2022- 2023 Edinburg E-Learning Plan

Edinburg CUSD #4

e-Learning Notification

The purpose is to notify all stakeholders about the intended utilization of e-Learning days for the district. E-Learning days will occur when school is called off for inclement weather or other unplanned emergency events that can cancel school. The purpose in doing this is to ensure a continuation of learning when building cancellations must occur. 

On a day that the building/campus must close due to weather or other factors, an e-Learning day occurs and all students will be provided with opportunities to continue learning in all subject areas either via remotely or through pre-planned learning opportunities. The types of lessons and delivery will vary greatly with the variations of subjects and age levels that we serve.

Hearing Notice (posted in the Breeze on Tuesday, August 10, 2021)

Pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of Edinburg Community Unit District 4, Edinburg, Illinois, that a public hearing will be held at 5:45  p.m. on Thursday, August 26, 2021, at the Edinburg School, 100 East Martin, Edinburg, IL 62531.

The purpose of this hearing will be to seek input from school personnel, parents, and other community members concerning the provision of the School Code allowing for eLearning days in lieu of closing schools and using an emergency make-up day as amended by Public Act 101-0012. Section 5/10-20.56 of the School Code contains the minimum requirements to ensure staff and student participation in an eLearning day will allow the day to be counted as a day of student attendance.  A copy of the current planning document is posted on the district website:   ecusd4.com

The E-learning plan will not be finalized until after the hearing to ensure feedback is utilized within the process. 

Highlighted intentions of the plan as of this announcement are:

  • As stated in the hearing notice, the e-Learning Planning Document will be posted our website.
  • If the forecast is calling for inclement weather and/or the probability is increased due to winter conditions, teachers may provide resources (non-electronic) a day or more in advance of a potential e-Learning day.
  • E-Learning includes both technology (the internet, telephones, texts, Zooms, Google classroom, See Saw or other similar means of electronic communication for instruction and interaction between teachers and students and paper/pencil based activities/packets.
  • Students will be engaged in e-Learning activities from 8:10 am to 1:45 pm and beyond 

E-learning Planning Document

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